Community Involvement
Pfizer is committed to an inclusive stakeholder engagement process including federal, state, regional and local stakeholders to establish objectives for the remediation and future use of the property.
Under the guidance of USEPA, Pfizer developed a Community Involvement Plan (CIP) as a guide to sharing information and obtaining public input on the site-wide remedy and other activites on the site. The outreach tools outlined in the CIP will ensure a transparent and accessible decision-making process and meaningful community stakeholder participation.
CRISIS, a local community group, was established to facilitate the exchange of community concerns and expectations regarding the Site. In 1992, USEPA first awarded a Technical Assistance Grant (TAG) to CRISIS and that grant was renewed several times. CRISIS served as a liaison between the NJDEP, USEPA, and the community, consistently participated in monthly project calls and provided technical review on behalf of the residents of Bridgewater, Bound Brook, and the surrounding communities. CRISIS was recognized for their efforts with the 2016 USEPA Environmental Champion Award.
Stakeholder Engagement
Pfizer is committed to informed stakeholder engagement to enable sound, sustainable decision making. Pfizer will work with USEPA and NJDEP to promote active and meaningful participation in the cleanup of the site.